yes we will be and on a exrreme level about 1000 artices a day usig ai and having the team vote around from 20 accounts each to fund are investment club fo passive income. between curation and first 100 guidls we can make about 1000 a day on guilds and anyhwere from 1000 to 100,000 if thearticles push 100 bc we will be tag l1 and 2 optimising and translations plus psoting articles that curators themost typically vote and using ai to reword completely a article that got good attention push to all social media, affiliatel links at least a millon a year to. IM just woriking away. Also will ge gettting sps debti card running whih will make me a lot of money from the .5- 1 cent trasaction fee and the rest of the caswh bac after 3.5% goes to a card holders passsive income fund
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