This world is filled with difficulties that had made it difficult to retain self-respect because of some financial challenges.
This world is filled with difficulties that had made it difficult to retain self-respect because of some financial challenges.
Have you ever denied yourself respect and love because of money?
Money can actually make someone loose some respect especially if they are begging for help from people. Expect them not to respect you so much. Someone stopped taking my calls many years ago because i asked for financial asisstance.
Am telling you and this is Soo bad when you are in serious need, at that point you won't mind what anyone will say because you just need that help.
But do you think there is any way we can avoid such embarrassment
I Can't say no because I know for sure that the world is govern by money. Money can turn you upside
when you don't have money, it's hard for people to respect you in our society today. A poor man has less friends.
And when one don't have money and you are begging others for it, be ready for your respect to be denied
Honestly, I hate begging for financial help to avoid insult especially from my younger one. I hate insult
Well if it's possible I will oh cause this user is tired lol.....I have not been in such situation sha
My dear sister, I hate insult. To avoid that, it's best and better to manage whatever I have instead of loosing my self-respect because I need help.