InLeo - Uploaded images should not be part of the thread maximum characters count

in LeoFinanceyesterday

InLeo is now counting into the maximum allowed characters count for a thread also the uploaded images and that taps into the message that one might want to transmit. In comparison to this, Twitter (or X) doesn't do that and I feel this could be a good improvement that will boost the usability on the InLeo treads micro blogging. Whether you have the Premium Subscription or not, the uploaded image should not have their hyperlink counted as part of the micro post. It is intended just to correlate and explain more with an image and its role should be kept separate from the wording itself.


Removing the image hyperlink from the character count in InLeo would significantly improve the platform's usability without having to subscribe for Premium. Currently, users have to carefully manage their words to stay within the limit, and counting the image link can hinder the flow of ideas. Twitter (or X - doesn’t count images or media links toward the character limit, which lets users share their message more effectively. Snaps (The new micro posting from Peakd - doesn't either count the image hyperlink and even allows 280 chars snaps from the get-go.

By following this model, InLeo would allow more space for engaging discussions and creative expression. Visuals enhance communication by providing context or clarification, but they shouldn't come at the expense of reducing the message's length. Separating the character count from images would make it easier to share impactful and well-rounded posts.

This shift could also encourage more image-driven content and foster a more dynamic, multimedia-driven microblogging environment. Let's remember the power of memes (#meme) which can boost the economy from here. For users, especially those on free accounts, this would ensure that their threads are just as impactful as they intend them to be, without being cut off prematurely.

What do you think about it? Do you agree that the uploaded images should not be part of the thread maximum characters count? I am keen to hear your feedback as well. Cheers!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I made this point at the very beginning, but wasn´t heard. One of the reasons I don´t like the format. You cannot give any context or reference which then makes the threads less compelling. Snap has a char.limit of 200 plus images.

That indeed would be a useful improvement in Leo threads as it would create more space for writers to convey their message. Insignificant as it may seem, little hitches like this can serve to divert people from Leo. I hope it gets fixed soonest and thanks for discovering it. Have a nice day.

I agree with that, have a nice day!

Agree with you! This characters count in whole tread characters sometimes really annoying me. Especially when you need to improve your thoughts with picture.
By the way did you noticed do we have such problem with peakd?

On PeakD with Snaps I found that the image link doesn't eat your chars count, which anyhow is greater up to 280 chars.

This is a good idea. I hope it gets implemented.

Me too... more usability, more users, more engagement, more InLeo! ;)