Sorare looks quite appealing, but aren't Ethereum fees killing it? I would gladly jump into the game but not sure if the fees will make me do a big investment or if you can play and earn without any money put in?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sorare looks quite appealing, but aren't Ethereum fees killing it? I would gladly jump into the game but not sure if the fees will make me do a big investment or if you can play and earn without any money put in?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
In the game, there is a credit card option if you prefer to buy eth in real-time without fees. I am very excited with the game. In my opinion the best nft and fantasy game if you like football. I stopped betting because now i can invest my money and not loose them. If people learn this game, I think they will get rid of the fact that for so many years they lost their money in betting. I predict that it is the new investment and profitable model of the present and the future of sports. The development of the game is inconceivable now and it is still the beginning. Think of the whole betting world getting into it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You got that right with betting and I must that I get into it from time to time and not winning mostly. Any tips on how to approach Sorare, how to buy a formation, and participate in events?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
In this game there is no need to win prizes to make a profit as long as you buy good players (not necessarily expensive) and resell them in the market. There are really many who would buy your card at a good price at which you will also make a profit in ethereum and the one who buys it. You can also buy new talents and wait a long time to play in better teams or just take a key position in their team. There their price goes up at least 5x (in the worst case). It's like buying a cryptocurrency that you expect in the future to go up a lot but here we are dealing with tokenized footballers. It is simply exciting!
I upload videos with upcoming talents.
I was a footballer and i understand football from inside (I think..). Here is my new youtube channel.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta