Don't panic, just zoom out

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Sometimes when it feels like the whole world has gone to hell, I like to take a step back to gain perspective. Right now, there's a general sad feeling in the air, so this is a good time to look into the past, hopefully, we'll be able to predict the future.


The chart above is a one year plot of Hive. If we're to take things directly, Hive is in a much better place than it was one year ago.

Looking at this chart could fill you with rage, or make you excited for the future. As is said on numerous occasions, happiness is a choice and all it takes is a healthy perspective.

According to the chart above though, around this time last year, hive was trading at about 14 cents. Today it's trading at 76 cents, so in essence, we're 5.4X better than we were.

The crypto market is very volatile, and that's something we tend to forget at times. So, it might suck for you right now, if you entered the market when the price was higher than it is now.

However, what you have to note is that just like Hive pushed 5.4X in the past year, it is also possible to have a similar trend in a year's time.

It's a marathon

Keep in mind that your crypto journey is a marathon and not a sprint. So, there will be ups and downs but slow and steady always wins the race.

There's always cause for concern when an asset you're holding drops in value against another. However, you also have to keep in mind that if your fundamentals are strong, you'll always bounce back.

As far as fundamentals go, Hive is up there with the best of them. It has a strong community, awesome devs and amazing technology that will move with the times. This means that the value of the asset or product is still very much intact.

As long as the fundamentals remain solid, you can rest assured that there will be a brighter day tomorrow. In fact, moments like this give us some time to take a step back, dig deep and focus on building.

In other words, this is the time to double up your grind and make the most of the dip. This is particularly the case on Hive where inflation has a strong influence on activities.


I posted a tweet earlier that talked about how these periods are the best time to publish on Hive.

It is ironic because these are also the moments when many people tend to jump ship.

I can't blame anybody for deciding to leave when they do. Everybody has their reasons but I know for sure that whoever left because of price action didn't check the chart at the top of the screen.

I know I said happiness is a choice but sometimes, you don't even have to be happy about anything. Sometimes, you just need to look at the situation the way it is and work with the variables in front of you.

Right now, the variables are telling me that more Hive will be printed to the brave. The variables are also telling me that in a year time, Hive could be over $3 after dumping from $12 and I'll probably be making a similar publication discussing this same topic.

We can post all the panic memes and "crypto is going to zero" memes all we want. Even I do it for fun but I sure as hell don't believe it.

In reality, I remember what happens. At this point, Hive related stuff is pretty much second nature to me, so I don't panic.

This is not the time to worry or to make rash decisions. This is the time to build and diversify your portfolio into any investment angle that suits you.

I already bought some Leo today, and I'll add some Splinterlands credits to that. I'll use that to buy packs and then get monsters that will upgrade my deck.

I'm not worried, I'm building for the future. If you're not doing that here, then I don't know why you're here in the first place.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Definitely the current dip is not something to worry about at all, as I do believe that it is for a while.

The best thing is to make use of this moment and buy more now for the future, panic sell will only bring regret at the later end

Exactomundo my friend.

More than just a dip but then that is crypto.

Solid projects will have much higher levels in their sights at some point. We just have to keep patient and building.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, well said! I just can't understand why people get so negative and even leave. The opportunity is actually even more attractive, as you mentioned. I just continue, almost as if the price is irrelevent.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just can't understand why people get so negative and even leave.

They are irrational. For some reason, people mistakenly believe that markets should only go up; that downward moves ought not to take place. That is insanity because it is not reality.

The leaving is catastrophic to their future progress. Bear markets are the time to build. Many left for a few years while the rest of us kept going.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Honestly, nobody should be blamed for leaving. Those who left the last time came back and the cycle continues. This is the time for those who are in for the game.

Honestly, nobody should be blamed for leaving.

Foolishness always deserves what it gets. Those who keep on the cycle show the inability to learn. That is the epitome of foolishness.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

With all the earnings from hive. I just realized that even if now my account lost more than $1000 in few days, 18 months ago it was only like $100. That just a big win for me and for more of us !

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is one way to look at it. Your loss is now 10x what your account use to be.

Keep up the positive view on things.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Aha, just depending the context the number can give a lot of different emotion, seeing it like you said it's really sad :')

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

"Keep in mind that your crypto journey is a marathon and not a sprint", well said. Winning is not constant

Just keep plugging along and we all will move forward together.

Not only is this a marathon, we are all attached at the hip.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Believe 💪💪💪

Everything will surely doing fine at the end of the day, crypto use cases and decentralization is what we are after. Prices will come on perfect time and when the community is ready for the 100x. Great to show it in this post

Zoom out indeed.

And you don't even have to zoom out that far...

Bitcoin range.

Bitcoin just looks to be at the bottom of a range after a HUGEEEEEE rip?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hell yeah. Gonna be a huge jump soon

It might head lower but then could be forming a triple bottom. That would be a powerful line if it held. The bounce tends to be forceful in situations like that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As a marathoner myself, I agree with your statement 😁

Glad we're aligned :D

Not good at all.
Just checking coingecko at the moment.
The dip is crazy and at the wrong timing for me.
Thanks for the heads up.

Sorry about that. It's a fucked up situation but the future is also bright.

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Hive is in a much better place in general as compared to a year ago. That is something we do not require a chart to tell us. Yes looking at matters from the market condition, you are correct.

We are in a long term process (a marathon). People need to internalize that and keep plugging along.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I couldnt agree more. Best time to make posts, and best time to buy a bit. Hive is plucky and strong and has more of a community than most of the crypto vapor ware out there!

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks for reading mate and looking forward to more years ahead.

Your giant dog looks healthy, although the picture is kind of blurry

Bulls can be fun and they are offset by the bears.

The key is to be calm in both and enjoy the overall ride. There are ups and downs, just like in life.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta