I talk to some of my friends about HBD and it's algorithmically maintained value and they always laugh at me because it's not "stable enough".
I'm like, dude, USDT isn't as safe as it may seem and all the collateralized stories might just be crap, but again, they don't listen.
Anyways, in one tweet or was it a post, @theycallmedan mentioned that the beauty of HBD being our stable coin is that it's managed by the community. So, in theory, if the dollar goes to shit, we can just tweak the algorithm to mirror another asset.
USDT will go to shit if the dollar goes to shit.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If we're honest, it's certainly a huge issue.
Price has always come back to a dollar, but the 10c fluctuations above and below that price is too much.
The stabiliser is a great start, but we need those external exchange listings to really encourage a shitload of money arbing.
I heard this and it resonated with me quite a bit too.
Obviously, I don't think that the dollar will actually not be used as the world's primary unit of account anytime soon.
But what if!! ;)
If you say something won't happen and you therefore don't have a scenario planned, you're going to get caught out.
We at least have a plan.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta