So much on my mind. Steady calculating, plotting and thinking. Make man no go get high blood pressure from all this mental strain. Need a beer
So much on my mind. Steady calculating, plotting and thinking. Make man no go get high blood pressure from all this mental strain. Need a beer
Wow. Are you a secret agent man?
Seems like you have some heavy stuff going on.
Beer goes well with a couple shots.
Doing my best man. Relocation plans has my head spinning but I'm doing my best to stay sane
No go do pass yourself oo. Drink beer 🍻 cool your brain.
He could stick his head into a bucket of water to do that.
But that wouldn't be nice
His wife might not agree. LOL
I dey try my sister
A nice chilled Henieken will do.... take a time off from life pressure.
Just like a typical Nigeria will say.... Problem no dy finish
I thought you were calculating the points table Arsenal could be at :)