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RE: HBD | @dlux-io | Aureal | CubFinance

in LeoFinance4 years ago

With the Hbd thing... Seeing as it is only redeemable for 1 Usd of hive, just let it inflate. At the end, someone is going to be holding a vastly overvalued bag and it will unravel.

I do see many people still holding Hbd. It might be beyond the ability for most to sell in the internal market (not many external markets for Hbd) so they might not realise they can essentially 'double' their money in one transaction!

It might seem obvious to some of us... But this is a new world for many!


Leaving HBD to do what it wants could bring a crazy summer and dark winter. I like that it's trying to be controlled but the market will do what it wants :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Agreed, but we are missing the untapped potential of educating the users of the HIVE platform. We could also show people (or make it easier) how to sell HBD (or convert when the price is under 1 USD), as it was designed to do. In addition to the blunter tools that currently being employed. I have no numbers to be sure of this impact (you are the data guy!), but if people used HBD as it was intended (because it was easy to), then it should track the price a bit better!

It's not obvious to me. I only have a little bit and I just sit on it. I don't get the whole HBD thing at all. 😂


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
