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RE: Leveling Up My Crypto Security

in LeoFinancelast year

Learn how to use the '25th' word/passphrase. This adds a second layer of security, but you need to be able remember it (by you can choose it yourself).

For seed handling, DON'T opt into the ledger recovery program. From memory, it is Shamir, but with centralised scripts holding the shards.

The 25th word makes the loss of the 24 seeds less problematic as well.


Oh wow, thank you for this. I will check that out after this.

EDIT: Just did it, yay! It would probably take me time to discover it but thank you for letting me know this early.

And yes, I won't be opting for the recovery.

You should also test your recovery. Send a bit of dust... Wipe the ledger and then do a restore. Better to do it now with dust instead of in the middle of an emergency!

Thanks again for that. And yes, I did my first test of some dust amounts of BCH and will definitely do a wipe and restore to see if things are working. Tons of things to learn on this adventure and I appreciate you for your help :)