As far as the current state of Nigeria is concerned, every one of us is to be blamed for its degrading state, we have all failed the country directly or indirectly, and many of us have chosen to sell our conscience for a plate of porridge and a bottle of peanut, we neglect the obvious truth because of our greed, selfishness and have allowed tribalism, religiosity, and political interests robbed us of better chances of tackling and confronting our challenges and at least seeking lasting solutions to them.
Nigeria's problem has always been us, it pained me to see our mothers protesting against the government that they’re complaining about, protesting against the government that’s making it hard for us to afford a cup of garri, a commodity that is supposed to be the cheapest as it is grown and produced within Nigeria. We indeed are our own problem, it is a dilemma that we must solve from the roots
Garri is no long poor man's food. It's for the rich. Nigeria is messing with our mental health fr
True talk