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RE: The Fright Of Funding One's Life With Uncertainty

in LeoFinance3 years ago

This is very relatable to be honest.

I thought of also doing the same and starting a life all over.

I just finished my housemanship and somehow it appears that I am not so interested in killing myself as a doctor.

I believe everyone will be fine.

I also feel success has to do with environment and the relationship that is been made.

Anyways, I wish you luck in all your endeavours.

Las las everybody go dey alright


Starting a life is very expensive, this I must say. Especially when you've become a providing man, a potential breadwinner.
Well, eventually you'll need to stop squatting or maybe staying in one's family home would inevitably end. Anyways I'm just hoping not to go broke because, I'm tired already from spending too much. Thanks for your concern

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

You won't go broke