See ehn... This post hit the nail on the head.
A lot of people don't have an emergency fund.
People just go on and on without thinking of a downfall..
This post just brought to mind one doctor who died after failing an exam to relocate to the UK.
He spent all he had on the exam and after failing, he committed suicide.
Once you don't have an option to fall to, when you fall down and hit the ground, it can be very disastrous
I pity the deceased doctor. Going abroad isn't easy. Sure it's promising and exciting. But I'll never sell everything I own you do something as him. How will I begin again? What do I fall back on? Many people underestimate the struggles or the near struggles of starting from ground zero.
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I know right.. I can't start again..
Definitely cannot, where is even the honour in that?
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile