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RE: Blind Mice

in LeoFinance2 months ago

I hate to be the resident asshole, but, you know. It's what I do best.

Can you say 'profiling'?

I had a 'random check' at Walmart. I showed my receipt and told him if he wanted to dig in my bags he needed a warrant. There is a really simple answer to the problem. Manned check out lines. You want me to check my own stuff? I'm fine with that. You want to make sure I didn't rip off a green pepper? You provide the check out staff. They have reduced staff 25% with self checkout.

I'm going to stop there. I can feel a serious rant coming on...


Yep. Record retail profits - reducing staff, increasing prices, lower quality experience.

I wonder what they would do if every required a warrant to look?

When flying with colleagues, I tell them never stand behind me at security. :)