Podcasting, Hive, Micropayments, Patreon...

in LeoFinance4 years ago

My understanding of podcasting and how it works starts and finishes at "I like to listen to podcasts". I started following Brianoflondon long time ago, probably on some blockchain topics but i was ignoring his podcast posts. Until the 3speak desktop app live testing where they started to talk about revolution of something in podcasts and micropayments...


Podcast Index, Podcasting 2.0

So reading few post form @Brianoflondon on the topic and then listening to Podcasting 2.0 with Adam Curry and Dave Jones i still don't understand almost nothing about the problem. Updating feeds, RSS, problems with updating, dedicated server costs, limits in 14 days, closed systems, links, something something...

Hive Fixes This = Podping
Decentralized, opened to everyone, saves money, saves nature (no need for dedicated servers), helps big and small players in the ecosystem.

You can see my lack of understanding :D

So using Hive helps podcasting but how does podcasting helps Hive?

Let's start with an obvious thing:

  • Exposure

I thought that the name Adam Curry sounds familiar. Then i realized why.

I listened to few podcasts with him and Joe Rogan. If you search for inventor of podcasting you will get names of Adam Curry and Dave Winer. So inventor of podcasting talking about Hive can't be a bad thing.

Listening to Podcasting 2.0 i realized that they have no idea what Hive blockchain is. At moments it was funny and a bit frustrating. But when you are on Hive for a while, you sometimes forget how early all of this is. And i don't know anything about Podcasting, so why would i expect that they should know anything about Hive?

They did not know that Hive can solve their "updating" problem efficiently so there is a good chance that they will learn some more things that Hive Fixes.

Micropayments, Patreon

Listening to their podcast i found out that they are also working on payments on Lightning network with an idea of micropayments, patreon like subscription and even pay per minute.

I don't know a lot about Lightning network, i know some about Hive. And i know that Hive should be great for micropayments. Free transactions, 3 seconds block, easy readable wallets... and after the next HardFork some important changes.

  • Recurrent transfers feature
    is essentially an option to set a Patreon style payments. I know no code, so could this enable an option to send payments every time a creator publishes a podcast? Could it be used for someone to make an app that will say "ok you watched X minutes of this and that is 1.2 Hive?

  • convert Hive to HBD and Paying interest on HDB
    Why could this be important?
    Well if this helps in pegging HBD to 1$ (or at least hold it in a range close to a 1$) would not people rather use HBD to donate? I know i would rather use something that i know is worth 1$ now and 1$ in 6 months than pay in sats.
    Also would not it be easier for app developer of sub based system to use something that has "fixed value" for micropayments?

There are probably a lot more things that i missed (3speak IPFS for further decentralization of podcasts), but i like the idea and i am looking forward to see how will it develop.

If you find this interesting check out the funding proposal for further development


Great write-up. I really hope people support the proposal, it seems like such a great showcase to me, and a possibility for mass change from old storage and payment systems into the Web 3.0 that Hive offers.

i don't know a lot of code and possibilities but Hive always looked to me as a great option for micro transactions and patreon type donations. especially if we somehow manage to get HBD to stay close to 1$

Thanks for the support. I've got some work to do on a video this evening and you're absolutely right about the financial parts of Hive being perfect for decentralised podcasting.

Once I've got podcasting hooked on Hive for notifications, for sure the financial and social features will be next in line.

it sounds interesting. and i thing it does have potential for financial and social part of it.

Hive is great for a blogging interface, but where it still falls a little short is in 'indexing' content; for instance, if you have a dozen posts with some great photographs in it that you'd like to have an Index for, how do you do it?

(And, if you do know how, please let me know, because I don't).

Maybe something like the NFT Showroom but for podcasts could be done. Hrm.

i am a bit lost with terminology :D so not sure what 'indexing' should be :D

maybe something like collections on peakd?

I'm more thinking of an index one might find in a book, or a Table of Contents. For instance, if I want to find a photo of cars, how would I currently do that? I might use tags, but then what if I wanted to find a picture that you took of a car that I know I had seen, but now want to find again? I have no idea how to do that.

Peakd mentioned something about working on new search (no idea how and how much better will it be)

also if i remember i saw @inertia sharing some old posts from other people pretty quick on discord and i think he mentioned what he used, maybe he can help :D

At least in PeakD, you can make a collection of your own posts so that people can find those dozen posts ... but that's a bit of work if you have dozens of posts...

Yes, exactly. Of course, now I'm thinking about how we might be able to do that, and I'm wondering if the HiveSQL project holds part of the answer.

You know more about podcasting than I do, so I learned ... good breakdown...