
if they don't decide that they hate my country and forbid it :D it would not be the first time...

Now this one is so loud. And you are not far from the truth. If Paypal decides to not hate most of our countries because mine is inclusive, then it will make it easier for us to deal with our crypto anyhow we want it.

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well paypal did not include my country for a long time and then we waited for 3-4 years to be able to withdraw money (i could only use it to pay). but again i am pretty limited in buying crypto easy options so if they make moving it to wallets i would most probably use it.

I understand because my country also had the same restrictions and a lot of courses had to be sold to anyone who wishes to get a Paypal account without breaking the rules

Affiliate marketer amass a lot of profits from these courses

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Exactly! What country are you from?

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