Why do people even think that if they new about BTC they would have bought and wait. Trust me, if they bought at under a 1 dollar, over 90 percent would have sold at 20K. Would they even know it can hit 100k?
Why do people even think that if they new about BTC they would have bought and wait. Trust me, if they bought at under a 1 dollar, over 90 percent would have sold at 20K. Would they even know it can hit 100k?
yo B, I agree with you. To be honest I would have sold at 1 or 2 dollars if I bought under a dollar. I don't really feel sad about it or wish for a time machine. I'm happier I learned from it.
Majority of those who bought earlier have sold by now. Those ogs that are still holding today where those who mined it and have bags of BTC.
Yeah, just what I was thinking about.
Just live and learn
But why?
Don't you believe 10000X is sweet ?
I am from the other 10%