Is Bitcoin Price Being Suppressed?

in LeoFinance8 hours ago

Over the last year and a half bitcoin has moved from a $16,000 token (or to be a little more fair $20,000 token) into a massive $100,000 token. Much of that rally happened in the last month or two where bitcoin hovered around the 55k market for the longest time. Now with Bitcoin hitting $100,000 it seems to be right back to it's bouncing around factor again.

So what's going on?

What's at play?

Is something weird happening?

One thing we have to realize is the dream of bitcoin being a way away from banks and the government are now gone. The whole reason it was created has flashed before our eyes and now has been fully adopted into the financial system it sought to replace.

That's kind of sad honestly when you think about it. If you're a OG like me you mined, bought and built on bitcoin because it was a way to stick it to a government that was increasingly taking away freedoms and constantly taxing you more and more money while driving up record high inflation and making the top 1% richer and richer as a increasing percentage of people struggled.

Now personally I believe if you're working hard and putting in the effort and work then a single 40 hour a week job should be enough to provide you with food, shelter and a way to at least retire. But most need to get multiple jobs and it's gotten so bad with inflation and everything that some times multiple jobs don't even do enough now. The mindset of why should I work two jobs and still be in just as bad of a spot. I can understand the mentality but I also don't agree with it.

The New Theory

Right now bitcoin has been really struggling with $100,000. We have moved up and down on it for a long time and honestly there's not all that much bitcoin to really go around. Most people get it and hoard it and mining it is crazy competitive to the point of you need renewable energy in order to actully make profit.

When you start to pull things back we have a few major players now in the crypto space. Trump (recently elected), Blackrock and Coinbase. All of these major powerhouses kind of owe each other and right now we are seeing major pushes to getting things in line to take crypto adoption to the next level.

If you start looking at accounts like Trumps, Trumps company, Coinbase and Blackrock they are actully buying up hoards of bitcoin at the moment. We also see them buying up other tokens as well such as LINK, AAVE and Ethereum.

When you start to run numbers of these things you see that these few whales are stocking and are just not starting to push out to investors saying they should invest at least some of their portfoilio into it. Just a small amount say 1%-2% for all the money Blackrock has under management would push bitcoin to $500,000 to nearly $1,000,000 each. So it's really not unheard of and will most likely be coming at some point in the next 4 years as these companies and a pro crypto government step in.


Right now we are getting speculation numbers in of a $250,000 BTC price point and while I do see that being possible a lot of things have to happen at the start of this year for it to get to that point at the end of the year.

We are also starting to see other shifts at play where it's now becoming talked about to tell gold for bitcoin. If that starts to take place we could easily see bitcoin rise to that 1 million dollar mark.

The perceptions of all of these things if they all play out would in fact put 1 bitcoin at over 1 million dollars which is rather mind blowing when you think about it.

So the question comes up then. Do you feel the price of BTC is currently being suppressed so that large cap companies and even the USA government will be able to buy up more of it come 2025?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The institutions certainly have a lot of the BTC supply now, which they could be using to suppress the price, and control how fast it rises.