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RE: Salary IN, salary OUT, CUB IN, CUB stays IN as a long term investment

in LeoFinance4 years ago

That's kind of my thinking on CUB-BUSD. I understand the risks but also understand if I hold it in there long enough instead of getting all crazy with moving it around it won't take all that long to recover and start profiting. I can either sell out everything in profit at that point or do some type of split. Normally 80/20 rule for me. 80% stays in to compound and 20% comes out to invest into other projects or if for some reason I need the funds.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yeah, I was thinking that I can exit anytime and get my funds back and some on top. From this point on is just a matter how I work with my finances, hopefully I can leave it much time to grow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta