That's one of the biggest take always and something the crypto community needs to fight for is the classification as a currency and not a property. You legit get SCREWED having it classed under as a property. Not only do you pay more in taxes but it makes recording it exponentially harder.
I mean imagine when they come out with their own digital representation and they try and say it's still a property. Those are some of the biggest things that are conflicting and why they are not doing certain things or BSing around and causing more confusion. Legit I'm so tired of how the government treats people and looks towards making more taxes and profits instead of letting it's citizens have it. Its ass backwards of the ideals of America or at least what I thought America once stood for.
lol yeah every time you spend crypto you're supposed to write it down.
You don't have to do that with USD, only need to track income of USD itself.
So ridiculous in every way.