I'd love for spk network to have an easy application to download which I can toggle on and off various things for nodes etc. Kind of like Theta Edge node would be an awesome tool to have. Easy to use, great UI and anyone can take part in it. With a decentralized system you want to make it stupid simple to setup. I'm for sure going to setup as many of the nodes as possible though.
I'm still not understanding exactly what the Larynx token does that is being airdropped is there any clarification to that?
Besides that I'm worried about ease of use and it's what is holding many projects back from growing and expanding their reach. It really needs to be just as easy as creating a youtube account and uploading a video otherwise it's going to take A LOT more work trying to train people and try and explain it to them and why it's worth it. I have hopes but maybe we won't fully know till we start seeing it all in action.