As weird as this sounds I actully think I earn less as premium lol Ever since I went premium my articles only push around $15 before they were pushing $20+ Weird...
As weird as this sounds I actully think I earn less as premium lol Ever since I went premium my articles only push around $15 before they were pushing $20+ Weird...
Are you considering earnings including LEO tokens?
Yeah LEO earnings for me are pretty much always the same 40-45 range from an article. Maybe it's just the downturn in the market that's making it look that way at the moment.
I'm going to guess that with all the new people being gifted Premium, LeoVoter is spreading the wealth among more people, so each vote is smaller. Is you number of votes the same? Or has it gone down?
Could be, could be just the combination of many factors such as lower token prices overall in the entire market so hive and leo have both dropped. More votes from the voter etc.
maybe is the low price of $HIVE
It may have something to do with the price of HIVE being down. Unless leo.voter isn't upvoting your posts.