Gezzzz trying to setup a junk Hive account for testing and it's already taken me 20 minutes with no success lol is this what it's like for new sign ups?
Gezzzz trying to setup a junk Hive account for testing and it's already taken me 20 minutes with no success lol is this what it's like for new sign ups?
💀💀💀 we got a long way to did we ever get pass this hurdles?
Running and jumping.
really I never had that issue <.<
What are you using? A token you generated yourself or going through some dapp that offer accounts?
I tried Leo, Ecency and
Ecency gives me a low IP value lol
LEO just keeps refreshing me
Hive rick rolled me and said they didn't have anymore resource credits.
Maybe it's because I'm already logged in?
Oh wow! I think there was a workaround for that low IP thing but I can't remember for the life of me.
As for Hive I have no idea... never tried to generate an account myself
I just tried Dbuzz and had a little more success now I'm waiting for a code to my phone for the last few minutes lol Just wanted a quick test account for LEO so I didn't have to post it on my main account :(
IP ?
What is this?
facts I should be VPNing more ;)
I remember that feeling! It can be a real pain in the butt.
I didn’t stress much when signing but I tried ecency and hive blog when I was signing up a friend and it didn’t work, Dbuzz is pretty fast though. Have you tried that?
The old Metamask creation method was the best...
I could maybe give that a shot. Pretty wild though if it's really this jacked up still no wonder why hive is growing so slow lol
Even Crypto savvy people use to complain to me on other platforms that "Hive is too complicated"... narrowing down the onboarding process would probably help a lot.
Facts I had thought we fixed this but it honestly feels worse! At least for myself trying it out right now. If I was a new user I would have left long ago.
Some see this as being negative... but proactive solutions bring about growth and adoption, which is by no means negative. People need to look at the fruits of attending to constructive criticism.
** Update ** I finally had success with Dbuzz lol buzzbitcoinflood has been born!
Mainly this is a junker account for now for some QA testing for LEOFinance but I may use it later for other things.
I thought someone fixed this already.
so did I unless it was just weirding out for me for some reason
I usually can do it really quick and easy using LeoInfra
Not sure what was blocking me then. Maybe because it was a brand new twitter account or some type of ad block etc. I'm most likely going to attempt it again later tonight as just a test.
Hmm not sure. If you do find any issues please open a bug report ticket and include as many details as possible so we can fix it. We don’t always respond in those tickets but we always take the data and fix