1/🧵 It's wild, I spent a good two hours this morning trying to find some good dividend stocks or ETFs that appreciate in value as well. What you end up with is 2% Yield with some growth or 4.3% at no growth. Savings account pay more!
1/🧵 It's wild, I spent a good two hours this morning trying to find some good dividend stocks or ETFs that appreciate in value as well. What you end up with is 2% Yield with some growth or 4.3% at no growth. Savings account pay more!
The "Buffet Model" is being replaced... it only generates for the already wealthy...
Well still a sound model for the accredited investors. For the rest of us, we have to be happy with 1.5% and thank them for it.
Yeah, I got into stocks almost 20 yrs ago... the only significant money is made with penny stocks. Owning stocks for the average person is actually a waste of time... it can't really change your financial position.
Not unless you get some high flyers and stack of a couple decades.
People did do very well in #appl and #amzn. But it takes a long run, like 20-30 years.
Yeah, I was going to suggest that as well, but modern society will never take that approach... they are already desperate after two years...
Yep. People are their own worst enemies. Instant gratification is what leads to their enslavement.
It's a difficult journey, which is why so few make it. It's easier to complain... instead of getting in the trenches.
On the other hand, generating wealth through Crypto and then entering stocks as a second move... is a different story, but don't look to stocks to generate wealth with average pay investment capital.
You know I was going to do a thread on this but I might turn it into a article instead lol so coming soon!!!
Haha! What a twist you did on this.
Of course. You are a loser. A lackey. A non-accredited investor.
The great returns are not for us. They are for those who have access to the 10%-20% risk averse opportunities. For the rest of us, take your 1.5% dividend and be happy.
Wow, that's crazy
Might as well put it all in HBD savings :P