Well I was hopeful on the edit function for long form posts but it still seems busted Displays fine everywhere until you click into the article itself it has none of the updates.
Well I was hopeful on the edit function for long form posts but it still seems busted Displays fine everywhere until you click into the article itself it has none of the updates.
I haven't used the UI to write my draft anytime, I prepare my post on my notepad, use ecency to upload images and add links, then copy and paste on Leofinance UI
lol I know the feeling trust me. Still some big work to be done on the long form front.
Definitely, it's not the best right now
That's how I do my posts, too. Editing is faster that way.
Yes, Leofinance UI is still very lagging
We still need to iron out things?
Yeah I just tried it on the daily leo I wrote up today. If you take a look at the title you'll see it didn't update as well as some things in the article.
Okay. I have not posted a blogpost in the last three days. I will check.