
A agree with that point, but i don't think SPL survives the year.
and I have said I would support them if they could show the accounts created and the capital brought into the chain verus the capital pulled out of the chain.

I spoke for 2 hours on this topic on the last Lion's Den. So I don't want to go into all the specifics again.

but I have said take the money from the other proposals is you want to give it to SPL.
but they have enough money in the DAO is my view.
Since they just want to spend the $500K on marketing.

Well said!

Do you happen tto have a link to that episode? (I have no cclue Where tto look for it)

here you go

I am listening to it right now, the first part of you is so spot on!
And I haven't even done a deep dive on it, I just see it by looking at their site. Have been against that game since I tried it first time.

Thank you glad you enjoyed what you listened to.