I saw just the other day about the first house being fully 3D printed. That gives you the ability to create houses on a massive scale! I would suspect a huge reduction in costs as well. Honestly 3D printers are a very powerful thing and I'm curious to see what other things we will start mass production with on them. The downside it's going to push a lot of people out of jobs of course. But you've been writing about that for a while now.
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It will of course definitely reduce the construction costs especially when it has to do with the human labour in the sector,the job loss is expected to occur and that is why people need to be prepared for the realistic situation of things that will occur in the future and how they can handle things in a better way...the fact is that the automation is really necessary and we need technology in our lives ,we need to change the way things are done and we need to leave the "old school" of doing things in every sectors in the world.....
3D printing is going to change a lot of the manufacturing industry.
We are going to see a lot more localized production due to this technology. Of course, that will push the cost of things down yet will affect a lot of industries, such as transportation.
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@taskmaster4450le yeah it will affect the transportation industry but benefit more people in the world...so I think benefitting more people is better in this kind of situation...