It kind of shows us how divided the world is at the moment right now however. It's nearly a 50/50 split. The only big issue is India which has a rather robust and very much so growing economy. Russia is crap besides the massive amount of raw resources it has in oil and gas accounting for about 25% of the worlds consumption at the moment and India and China want to gobble that up. Russia is now getting over $60 per barrel now on their oil exports. China is pretty much screwed so that won't be helping BRICs, Iran is a shit show and Saudi Arabia it legit makes no sense besides them so called being tired of the USA even though we saved their ass in the 90's.
Overall there's not much supporting BRICS besides oil. Control the resources control the world. It's also why we are seeing some rather tense times in Africa again. Once again resources. And Ukraine also resources. The north east that Russia has taken accounts for over half of the natural gas that the EU would use and a good amount of oil.
The world is always divided. This is why the ideas that the governments are going to do "fill in the blank" is absurd. Governments will not always agree.