Old timer needs to get out and pave way for the future! I did read up recently that stablecoins are going to be treated as a commodity. I have yet to really dig into that or if that has anything to do with him and his policies he makes but it might so I tossed it in here. I look for you for final details on these matters :)
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Powell actually understands what is going on. He understands the Fed is screwed and was long ago. The nitwits on Capitol Hill also keep proving themselves to only create more problems than they solve.
He is not like by Trump (who appointed him) and is falling out of favor with the Biden administration (and Senator Warren).
That tells me he is ideal to retain.
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By the way, if they regulate stablecoins as a commodity, that is another agency stepping in.
There is a major regulatory power play taking place.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta