Now ... if you are wondering if the new Macbook M1 chipset is for you ? STOP !!!!! Its just a beast of a machine. Now why would I say that ?
The battery life is just insanely long. Comparing to any of the previous version of Macbooks, where you basically need to bring out your charger if you are a heavy user as you run out of batteries within 2 - 3 hours. For the M1 chip .. you can literally leave the charger at home and work from this laptop all day long.
Processing speed is just amazing ! And if you are trading and always on the move, you would know that opening up chrome with many tabs open, you would realize that it does not even put a dent on the batter for hours.
Video conferencing ! Its a beast !! I did a 2 hours video conference and it only went down by 18% in battery.
So you can basically read up all the reviews out there, you would see that everyone is reviewing how amazing the performance and battery life is. Like I said earlier, if you are thinking of it .. just go for the upgrade ! Its by far the best laptop out there with a decent price.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great user review.
Is 8Gb RAM enough?
with the unified ram, yes it is.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Been keeping close attention to the M1 for awhile now. Thinking of getting the Mac mini when I can🤩
its the only one u need =) brilliant performance
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta