gaylenkp is definitely one of the top downvoters here. He's now sent his spineless lion lacky to throw in his two cents. The lot of them speak privately off chain, something I've known for years.
It is though, easy enough to see what's going on with any account by digging through the data, even if it takes a little bit of time, some accounts are worth going over in detail.
They let very few into their inner circle. Majority of users see a slow down in rewards once they are around 3000 hp - 5000 hp.
I see, thank you very much for letting me know. It's really gruesome that he has been doing this for years, but then again this is basically the only thing that he can do properly here. Those are the worst people to deal with in real life, so let's be fortunate we and others like us only had, very much unfortunately, to deal with them here. And it was not about money or personal gains in my case, but those are ruthless indeed. The nastiest you can possible stumble upon indeed. That's why they will never have the opportunity to downvote anything on my behalf until I write my farewell post. All the best!