Valueplan The Numbers Part III, Taking a Deeper Look Into Who is Behind The Group Projects Accounts Funded in 2024

in LeoFinance2 months ago (edited)


"Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. Its the foundational principle that holds all relationships."

While I was sourcing the data to populate the country of origin for my recent post in Valueplan Part I 2024 Totals
No profile description. No HP. No posts. No comments, no replies, no nothing., I came across a stumbling block. Some groups or projects had no face behind the name. Some were just wallets that just acted as an account for the Valueplan transactions. Granted these accounts were set up for a variety of reasons, one being to separate the Valueplan funds from a user account which is a genuine reason to set up these wallets. But what really irked me were the accounts that had no communication whatsoever around who they were and what they did. Now these are not just accounts that got 1,000 HBD for an event. One of these accounts is called @qmwallet and it received 42,524.00 HBD in 2024.

When searching for @qmwallet posts, my profile came up which I found hilarious. But who are the @qmwallet folks and what do they do??

It was set up on the 14th May 2024 and below are the wallet descriptions.

Screenshot 2025-01-15 124858.jpg

Screenshot 2025-01-15 124718.jpg

So we see from the first wallet description back on 14th May 2024 that it says "CWP LATAM water project ........ this is the sole extension of the Community Wells Project into LATAM | Promotional Project".

OK Got it. So when I search for Community Well Project in LATAM , not one post comes up.

untitled.gifIs it the same organisers as the Community wells in Ghana under the stewardship of @mcsamm and @collinz? We see that on the 10th December a country finally gets mentioned in the wallet description. None other than Venezuela. Surprise surprise. Sure who else!!So the question is : is @qmwallet a separate group with a few familiar names from Venezuela or is it the Ghana project team?

So the question is who is behind the LATAM part of the project? The same people that are in charge of Community Wells or is the a South American team? It would be great also to write in that wallet profile what it is about. The lack of transparency here is shocking.

Now if it is the same team then we may have to reevaluate our 2024 Valueplan ranking report as the Community Wells Project now has the following spends in 2024.

Just before we do this there is one point. When this initiative started up, the Community Well Project received funds to buy educational books for the children in these communities. This was included in the cost of the wells project. Let's take a well from the initial stages of the project as an example. Borehole number 4 in August 2022.

Screenshot 2025-01-15 153033.jpg

This received 27,121.55 HBD in 2024 adding up the total that this group funded below.
With the books taken care of by a side project one would assume the cost of each borehole would be less. OK, OK I am not being realistic. Due to inflation etc they should be the same if not around 5% more.The books then became its own project and became known as @hivestudentshub

Screenshot 2025-01-15 153119.jpg

98% increase on building borehole #4. This is a massive jump after only 2 years. Anyway I am going off topic. Back to the @qmwallet.

User AccountHBD

This jumps now to rank number 3 in the total amount funded by Valueplan.
Community wells is a good project and we like to talk about this as the face of Hive but it has got expensive over the years and the Community need to decide whether the funds used above would be better spent in real marketing rather than charitable causes. It is a great initiative to help people in poor countries but there should be a DHF proposal set up for this. How many boreholes need funding next year. Write a proposal and receive the funding.

The Hive Users Behind the Other User Accounts Groups Funded By Valueplan in 2024.

I decided to collate a list of the founders and teams with the groups or wallets that received funding for transparency reasons. This again took some time and I had to search back posts to find the names behind some of these groups. I even had to find some on Instagram and Twitter(X) to find the source of the group and who founded / runs them. I am not 100% on this but maybe 90% as I cannot be fully sure on some of them. Some users or team members may have left their groups or fallen out. Some team members may have joined etc. I do not know. All I know is this was the team when the group was first founded. If anyone has left a group or I need to make changes , let me know as this will be used going forward in 2025.

Please note that I am not trying to catch anybody out here. Most of the above groups are fine. Also there is nothing wrong with being in more than one group. I was a social butterfly myself once. I am also all for transparency. If we look above @victorg30 is part of the @swc-oficial group. He creates their posters and leaflets for their events but he also receives funding for a separate project for his mountain bike racing. Another example @danielvehe is the founder of @hiverun and also involved in @rutablockchain. Again nothing against the funding here. I think @hiverun is a good community. Both groups received 2,366.00 HBD and 985.00HBD respectively from Valueplan in 2024. Daniel himself also received 3530.00 HBD under his own name from Valueplan. So what we think is a small amount on paper all adds up to funding of 6,881HBD. Both founders of Hive Sucre are receiving funds in their own name by Valueplan and we can go on and on. But for now I have a spreadsheet to track this so you can all sleep soundly in your beds tonight.

Just on all these groups. When doing up these posts I had to educate myself on many of them as I do not come across them in my own circles. That being 40 year old + boring white males! I also don't agree with the narrative that the projects funded are the project managers friends. Maybe they know them but I just don't think they would be that silly. I think this goes deeper than with just with the project managers. There is definitely a skew towards Venezuela so why is this?? I did find that these groups all upload video content on Hive through the platform Threespeak . Now I am not a user of this platform myself but just on the landing page I was able to find many of these groups. Is it a coincidence that the Threespeak video uploaders are looked on more favourably for funding?? Maybe. I don't know. They make videos which promote Hive more so this could be actually good marketing strategy but I was surprised myself just how many of the Valueplan fundees had video content on there. Might be nothing. See what you think yourself.

Part 4 coming up by demand with a cumulative total over the years for the most funded projects by Valueplan.

Thanking you for the read.


You "drilled down" to unearth some facts nicely!
That virtual borehole in Latam is fishy to say the least.
There should be proof that that hole was bored, or they should better pay back the money!
Actually @valueplan should stop paying out any money to accounts who are not identified or who do no post about the projects and the outcomes! We all should enforce this, by making our votes dependent on this small condition.

And with all my chess tournaments, I write detailed reports about how the pricepool was spent, down to the very single Hive. Completely ridiculous when on the other hand 10000s of HBD are burned like this without any documentation. This is an offence against any user here on Hive!
Just in case you are not aware: Over the years I have sent several 1000 Hive in price funds to chess players on Hive, literally without a single whale vote or DHF funding, just based from post rewards.

And fundees from valueplan are too busy to write a post about what they do with the funds? Outrageous.

We all should enforce this, by making our votes dependent on this small condition.

I do. I will not vote for any proposal from now on except the return proposal until GAAP are required for DHF funding. Your example of accountability is what every DHF proposal should follow.

Not the first time @valueplan funds are seemingly wasted. I'd love to see the outcomes, if there are any... I wonder if anyone behind this would react.

The comments tell the tale.

They indeed do. Sadly :/

"Not trying to catch anybody out here", but the data kind of speaks for itself doesn't it? Do you ever get replies from any of these folks or do they just happily continue to abuse the platform?

I think everyone knows how I feel by now but I prefer the reader gather their own thoughts from the data . I get replies from a few but the ones who reply to me normally have nothing to hide and they can stand over their project and expenses. As Jose Mourinho once said “the ones that don’t , I prefer not to speak” .

It's just ridiculous. It feels 90% like a scam...

I really don't get why Valueplan project managers are in the firing line. The people getting funded for the events such be answering these questions. Why take the heat for some guy taking the biscuit?

Unless they are in on the scam....

F*cking interesting numbers here. This

I'm sure there's a lot of room for improvement here. Maybe too much "decentralization" makes it harder for everyone to plan and execute on a more efficient manner.

Decentralization isn't the same thing as obfuscation.

Hive Run founders and team: @enmy @erilej and @danielvehe, the others mentioned are club runners.

Querido @blanchy, te comento que ni @soy-laloreto, ni @starkerz, ni yo somos dueños de la cuenta del evento @blockchainsummit.

Esa cuenta la creó el señor Cristobal Pereira y, en la actualidad, hasta donde tengo conocimiento, la maneja el señor Rodrigo Sainz debido a que Cristobal abandonó el proyecto del Blockchain Summit LATAM.

Te dejo los perfiles de LinkedIn para que puedas corroborar que son personas reales.

Feliz día.

Thank you for the info @arlettemsalase. In fairness you are one of the few that responds and also one of the few in Valueplan that refunds amounts so credit to you . Ok if you don’t own the account , were you part of the Bogotá Blockchain Summit team because the post I read claims you were ?

Quizá sea la traducción pero entendí en el texto que somos DUEÑOS de la cuenta y no es así, es lo que te respondí.

En este nuevo mensaje, me comentas si fui parte del equipo que asistió al Blockchain Summit Latam del pasado año en Bogotá y la respuesta es un rotundo sí, asistimos nosotros tres + @lunaticanto, como puedes ver en las fotografías.

No, ninguno de nosotros cuatro somos o fuimos parte del equipo de la Blockchain Summit Latam. Nosotros fuimos a representar a Hive en el evento y eso hicimos.

Ok I get you.Thank you for your reply. You do not own the blockchainsummit account but you were part of the team that attended it representing Hive. I have the 3 of you down as the owners but you were the team that did the conference. ok gotcha So did your expenses come out of the blockchainsummits payment or under your own name?

En este caso, sale directamente a nombre de nuestra blockchain.El pago a la conferencia está en la cuenta de @blockchainsummit.

Cada uno de nosotros tuvo su respectiva transferencia para sus gastos viáticos para llegar a Bogotá, la permanencia y el retorno.

I'm glad your hard work started to receive some replies from those mentioned, to clarify things, where they are not.

Some replies yes. The ones with nothing to hide.

Very interesting data and observations. I just want to correct that I’m not a part of the @hivestudentshub team, I simply helped run the community for a few months when it was active. As far as I know, that would be @abdul01, @abdulbasit20, and @shamsudeen13 (who are mentioned as the leaders of the community in with their community account often). Although, I do attend some of their programs when it’s happening around me, and sometimes speak at some of them when I’m invited to.

So apart from helping them run the Community , helping out at the events and sometimes speaking at said events , you are not apart of the team . Got it! 😂😂😂

Yhp. If you look through their community account, you’ll see that they mention their team/leaders themselves often, so I’m sure this was just an oversight.

What is the difference between a team member and someone that helps out , attends and sometimes speaks at events?? 🤣

Lol the difference is that someone that participates in activities of a community is a member/participant, not a team member. I participate in their activities because they’re Hive activities and I am on Hive. Or can I not do that?

Based on your logic, everyone that for instance helps organize HiveFest or speaks at HiveFest events is part of the HiveFest-organizing team.😂

Exceptional work. It's very disappointing to me that Value Plan is so cryptic that you have to be a private eye to find out very basic information - and even with all your skill and effort to just find there's no information. It's all very sus, because transparency is fundamental to accountability, and obfuscation fundamental to fraud.


Edit: is @hicecreators a typo? There is an account called @hivecreators.

Yes apologies its hivecreators


There is a reason why Guiltyparties wants to keep hidden who is behind the Water Project in Venezuela. Everything has been planned to remain as hidden as possible from the rest of the Hive community.

I will give you the name of the user who is receiving the money for the supposed water project. It is a user that is part of Colmena Sucre and is already receiving large sums of money for the supposed incorporation of small companies to accept HBD.

The user is aksurevm89

She is already receiving money from valuplan for other expenses of Hive Sucre, where she and the user edmundochauran manage all the money of Hive Sucre and are the ones who are stealing.

I am from Cumaná, Sucre State, for security measures I cannot say this from my main account. There is discontent from several members of the Hive Sucre community who have realized the great corruption and how a small group is keeping high sums of money while we are being used because of the need we have due to the economic crisis.

Keep investigating, although they have wanted to keep everything hidden, everything is out in the open and sooner or later the truth will be discovered.

Guiltyparties and aksurevm89 cannot deny any of this. I challenge them to be brave, to take off their good faces and let the whole Hive community see the level of corruption here. Valueplan and Hive Sucre are rotten.