Valueplan The Numbers Payouts & YTD September 2024

in LeoFinance4 days ago


Good day everybody and welcome to Valueplan the numbers. I take a look at what exactly was paid out on a monthly basis by Valueplan so the Hive Community can see what we are spending our Marketing budget on. Now I have been doing this since May and last month was the first month where there was a bit of a kerfuffle around how Valueplan was spending the Hive Communities funds. Please feel free to look over my past posts around the payouts. Many people are complaining that Valueplan are not detailed enough in their DHF proposals. So this post has the detail on what exactly the funds are going on and who they are going to. This is not rocket science. I am merely transferring the payouts from the Valueplan wallet into and excel sheet.

Valueplan the Numbers August & Payouts YTD Part 2

Valueplan the Numbers August Payouts Part I

Valueplan the Numbers July & YTD

Valueplan the Numbers June & YTD

Valueplan the Numbers May & YTD

How much is the Rally Car Costing YTD Valueplan the Numbers Jan - April Part I

Valueplan the Numbers part II: Payouts per user ranked from January 2024 - April 30th 2024

Valueplan the Numbers part III : Recipient Account Values


Valueplan are spoiling me in September as they did not fund much at all. This made me happy. I think it is because they were running low on funds until the October DHF proposal passed so it is an easy month for me this month. They did received a loan from the @alpha account of 141,243 Hive so there was not that much going to be spent in the month of September as it looked like the well had run dry. There was only 9 payouts to 8 accounts. No incomings or refunds. Let us have a look at them.

Date FundedAccount FundedProjectFunded in HiveFunded in HBDDescription in Wallet
9th Sept@hivecreatorsMultiple Projects0250.00SaaS license costs for Q3
9th Sept@blackheart1Hackathons/ Conferences\ Investor Mettups03600.00FinFarm pilot project multi-month partnership partial cost third installment
10th Sept@victorwalletBike Racing. Part of the Street Work Out Crew01736.00Hive bike racing Tiquirito Trails + 4tha valida TCO races 2 x races tires and tire repair components, suspension component, logistics, and a small transport cost, minor registration cost included no contingency 2 x days per event, 4 days total promotional activity
11th Sept@hivesucreHive Sucre0644.00Hive Sucre special activity with IMATUR activity supplies logistics for the day to be issued separately
21st Sept@ssekuljiHive Rally Car23,184.790Rally car CER entry fee costs plus general for rally 5000 HBD no conversion in initial transactions, conversion part of final
21st Sept@omarcitorojasHive B2B0327.60Hive B2B onboarding businesses 8 days of activities logistics and transportation 5% conversion added
21st Sept@edmundochauranHive B2B0614.25Hive B2B onboarding businesses 15 days of activities logistics and transportation 5% conversion added
21st Sept@ssekuljiHive Rally Car22,716.950Rally car CER turbo repair costs 5000 HBD see note in previous tx, next tx will not have further notes until final
21st Sept@wooconventionsWrestling02189.10WrestleCade USA minor conference niche convention 3-day event accommodations and transport costs conversion not included at this time
TotalFundsAllocated $10,000.009360.9519360.95

So the rally car was the big spend in September with payouts of 23,184.79 and 22,716.95 to @ssekulji for entry fees costs plus general. Compared to some rally car payouts this is low. The other payout is for turbo repair costs. I'm no mechanic. Don't have a clue here so can't comment.
@blackheart1 was given 3600.00 for his FinFarm pilot project. I commented on @blackheart1 lack of posts about his many different initiatives last month and he got back to me. Finfarm is his Youtube channel. I had a look. He is getting some good views on the channel.
@victorwallet was given 1,736.00 for 2 bike races but the jury is still out around the impact for Hive here as there is a general grey cloud over anything to do with this Street Workout crew.
@hivesucre was given 644 HBD for special activity. I am unsure what Hive Sucre do but I have to look into their project a bit more to be able to comment on this. They are sneaking up the YTD ranks with over $45k in funding this year.
@omarcitorojas is a new addition to Valueplan funding. Himself and @edmundochauran are getting funded for Hive B2B whatever that is, Business to Business I predict. Same explanation for both on the wallet descriptions. I look forward to hearing about this B2B.

@hivecreators got 250 HBD for SaaS license cost for Q3.
@wooconventions pop up every so often to be funded. In September it came to 2189.10 HBD .Again I must check out is it a game or how does it promote Hive? It has been funded over 26k this year for events but is it a business or what's the story?

Last Month

Given the Hive price was falling at the time Valueplan became a much debated subject in my post. I do tag the people who are funded by Valueplan and ask them some questions to increase the Communities knowledge on their payouts and what they use the funds for. Some of the people funded got back to me and some did not but I think for transparency purposes, it would be good if these people get back to me.

Thanks to the people who were funded getting back to me last month especially @blackheart and @arlettemsalase who have been funded 68,280.70 HBD and $50,100.76 HBD for their Hive voluntary work since the start of the year. Being funded this amount of money is no joke so I hope they realise that with these funds comes alot of responsibility.

The Hive Merch Question

The amount we spend on merch as a Blockchain is probably up there with the big boys. I was annoyed looking at photos of the Rio Blockchain and all the Hive stall had was these little Hive stickers and a few rubber band bracelets.
@arlettemsalase was good enough to give me a break down in the comments last month.
@arlettemsalase told me that she has two jobs and has health problems lately, is a woman and lives in a difficult circumstances in her own country so I am not going to push her anymore on the matter really. I don't know where she finds the time to volunteer with Hive. If this was me and if I wasn't getting paid for it , I would not be doing these events. The criticism for being one of the most funded people on Hive far outweighs the benefits and if I am only volunteering and there was no financial incentive then really , what would be the point?? Not worth the hassle. She's a better person than I ever will be.

I will however bring up one point that she made when breaking down her costings so far for 2024.

"8.800 HBD - At the beginning of the year, 11,000 Hive bracelets were purchased. Approximately 3,000 or fewer remain here at home, as they have been used at events and distributed to various project leaders in Venezuela."

A quick search on Alibaba and for customizable rubber bands has me coming up with results that if you order over 10,000 units then you can get them for 4 cents per unit. That gives me 11,000 Hive wristbands for $440.00. Throw in $100 dollars delivery at the very most. We just saved you Hive $8,260.
Did she get shafted by a supplier for the rubber bands? Who did we buy these rubber bands from? Nobody doubts that @arlettemsalase is a great presenter and a credit to Hive. I may argue that procurement may not be one of her specialties.

Screenshot 2024-10-10 171207.jpg

I started messaging the manufacturer of some rubber wrist bands. The Hive bracelet that was at the Rio Blockchain event is not complicated so he is gonna send me a sample of one made up and send it over to me. It will cost me $20 in post but I don't mind. I would like one anyway.

My boss once told me to spend the companies money like it is your own money. If I formed a start up and I was given the option to buy 11,000 rubber bracelets for $8,800 would I press the button on it. I don't think so! Ain't happening. I would say the same about most of this posts readers. Sometimes when we deal in crypto we do not think of it as legal tender. It's 8800 HBD. Magical internet money. We have to remember on Hive that we are all stakeholders in our Community and we all have responsibilities. I have an opinion that only Hive users that have a certain amount of HP staked should be only able to apply for the Valueplan or the DHF funding. Kind of like a deposit on a mortgage. If you want funding then you should have at least 10,000HP staked for a year. People have pushed back to say that HP shouldn't matter. Some people might have fallen on hard times and have to unstake for some reason.
Stuff happens in life, I get it, but it is even more reason not to give these accounts funding during these hard time in my opinion.

This is the reason I have a problem with the likes some of the above accounts having under $50 account value but are getting funded over $50,000. They don't have any stake in the game. Not much to lose. The most they can lose is $50 if what they are doing is voluntary. There will not be much sleep lost if Hive goes down the drain. A person with more skin in the game would be more careful with the Communities funds in my opinion as they are a stakeholder. It's the fundamentals of decentralized crypto.

Funding so Far YTD

Not many changes here this month due to lack of funding in September. The rally car has spent $205,429.69 YTD. Under the rally car are two project managers and then the Street Workout crew in 4th position been given over 77k for their GYM Street Workout. @blackheart1 and @arlettemsalase are in 5th and 6th position and we have our friend @mcsamm who is making expensive wells down in Ghana in 7th. As far as I know the @qmwallet is the LATAM version of the Wells programme so I presume the $20,087.00 is his as well.(no pun intended) :-D

So that is it for September. Just the one post this month. After the proposal was approved for Valueplan in October I have a feeling it might be 3 posts next month. Valueplan published their proposal for the funding and there were many comments underneath the post calling for users to vote the return proposal to stop this getting through. Below is a link to their Q4 proposal.

Valueplan DHF Proposal

Happy reading. Please keep it friendly in the comments.


I agree. If you have a certain threshold of HP you are somewhat less likely to look at a pile of funds and think, ooo skim me some milk baby.

I came help but feel all the merch is being purchased badly. Scotland can be dear as feck and I can get customised bands and three like relatively cheaply when I get in quantity. And that's just even going through the internet from another country. We just see so much merch being bought for incredible sums. It makes me a bit deflated.

You know what we should do, set up a fecking hive merch store and everyone who wants funding for merch gets vouchers and has to buy through there. Bet that would help the budget 😃

Great idea actually. It would keep the branding the same and cut out the whole "My country is expensive " chestnut. I'm a bit deflated myself about it. I think it just proves decentralised systems don't work.

I think it just proves decentralised systems don't work.

We need leaders that aren't forced upon us.
Hive is too centralized to qualify as decentralized.


They don't because everyone can claim it's different in this country

To be honest if I was at the fiddle merch would probably be the easiest thing to go with

Certainly not very time intensive.

Yas, quick and easy


Thanks for the great overview. Having worked in procurement, the normal practice is to get 3 offers and you usually take the lowest offer unless other factors like quality, reliability etc come into play.

The size of the DAO is growing quite big compared to the market cap, (around 50%) hopefully more people join Hive and power up to support all these worthwhile projects.

The old 3 quotes rule. Story of my life! I have to get 5!!

Thats harsh man!

Great work Hiveezilla.

😂 😂

That Fuckin rally car I swear...

😂 😂 untitled.gif

Well, they are confirmed to be a stupid money burning machine. But @guiltyparties doesn't seem to give a shit about your constructive criticism, @Blocktrades is on their side, I guess they see theft as the lesser evil, the ends justifying the means, I guess that's what they think. The funny thing is that none of their plan works, their marketing plan sucks. They are mediocre playing with Hive's money, I have no doubts about that anymore. It's embarrassing. In GP's case, I don't blame him anymore, maybe he just drooled and fell asleep while reading his post, you know... he's a poor senile old man, he always tells us that, he doesn't give a shit.

Arlette is the decent person who answers you. I seriously think she does care about her reputation, because unlike the Street Workout Community admins, she's at least sticking up for you. She has her job, unlike @Manuelramos, who ignored my recommendation to hand out resumes to start living off his own efforts and stop being a parasite on Hive:

There's nothing to do, that's the way things are at Hive....


