I just scraped by with the 1000 for the pre sale but I think I’m going to fall short for my goal of round 2 which means buying some more. Depends on how close I get and how much vouchers are fetching at the end of round 2 drop. But I’ll probably be buying a bit to get to that 2000 pack purchase as I want that 20% bonus!
See? You made the credits richlist. Look at you ya big showoff…lol
yeah, the bonus would be good. I would be hoping to get some extra packs in the open sale, but it looks like i am going to have to buy all off the rack, no discount.
For the open sale, gave you thought about one of the pools? Especially if planning on opening g the packs. I’m going to be participating in one as well for the general sale. Do you want me to send you info on it?
Edit…but that doesn’t help with the credits you have. Duh. Excuse me. I’m dumb. Lol
discord me. I have been thinking about many things... mostly what to spend 16K of credits on ;D
Ok. Will reach out later today good sir.