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RE: Challenging Myself to Live 3 Months Below My Means

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Great post and super interesting to read. I hope you are able to continue your challenge.

I read somewhere that it's not how much you earn, but its how much you save that will determine your future. Ofc, you would also need to make sure what you save is invested wisely.

What works for me (I try to be disciplined), is to break everything down into %s and not use flat amounts. I.e. give X% to parents, X% savings, X% rent and most importantly X% for living life and having fun. This allows you to flex when your income goes up and not feel like you always have to get by with $200 a month.

If you yourself do not feel rewarded when you work hard and earn more, it starts to become a grind and you gradually get less motivated. All the best!