I enjoy that crypto is becoming more widespread. I told a lady about Hive the other day and how I get paid in crypto. She said, "yeah, but can you buy anything with it?" I said, "Yeah, I spent $300 worth just the other day from it." She looked high and mighty at me like I didn't know what I was talking about... some will adapt, others will complain that no one ever told them and they were left behind... but were really too blind and too untrusting...
Question... how do I create an NFT? Is it just a simple as creating a graphic, like a jpeg and uploading it to a nft showroom?
Great story there will always be early adopters and others that are reluctant or slow.
As for creating nfts I have never done it on hive, I have only ever done it on wax with atomic hub, and it's easy as filling in a from with derails and uploading a jpeg to atomic hub.
Oh...that does sound easy...I'll have to create a jpeg worthy of purchasing, then... Thank you!