
adding liquidity is different, I think that term is used for Liquidity Pools only.

Delegating, as far as I know, can only be done with staked/powered up coins. There's actually quite some other options for hive power to get liquid hive, utopis, bro coin or pizza and probably more I don't know about.

Ok...I definitely need a guide...

haha what part are you stuck at?

I'm not sure how to put my coinage into a pool to reap the rewards. I thought it was via swapping...then I found out that was just an exchange. Then I thought it was through "adding liquidity"...but I'm not sure that's it either now. I see a lot of people posting to get into the pools, but I'm not sure I'm doing it right, so a step by step with screen prints would be helpful to show someone how to turn Hive into a pool that rewards the investor on the daily or whatever the timeframe is...

Well, first thing you'd need to learn about is impermanent loss as adding liquidity has more risk involved than simple delegations where you never lose your staked tokens, they're still in your account and staked you really only delegate the benefits of having the stake..

I think edicted wrote a post on impermanent loss, it's not a sbad as the name implies as it only gets permanent when you remove the liquidity and it basically tempers the price action. But I'm no expert on the matter either.

Edicted wrote an interesting post on it:

My opinion: pooling with one or even two stable coins takes a lot of risk out of the equation and makes it easier to grasp. Especially the SWAP.HBD:SWAP.BUSD isn't very risky in my opinion

Thank you for this! It really helps a Noob like me.

no worries, hope it helps indeed. Seems there's some misinformation going around and took me some time to grasp too :-)