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RE: Where Does JD Vance Stand On Crypto?

in LeoFinance8 months ago

Donald Trump made many promises but didn't follow through on most of them. He pledged to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but despite some alterations, it remains in place. He promised to build a border wall and have Mexico pay for it, but that didn't happen. Instead of reducing the national debt, it grew substantially during his time in office. He vowed to "drain the swamp," but corruption and special interests remained significant issues. And his grand infrastructure plan never materialized.

Trump's tax cuts reduced individual taxes by roughly 2-3%, but slashed corporate taxes by (35% to 21%) 40%. As a result, many corporations are now making record profits, which hasn't benefited individuals as much. ​​

I'm not sure we deserve better at this point @steevc. For the past 12 years, the American populace has done nothing to change the course we've been on. Trump is constantly on the minds of many TV viewers because, whether they support or criticize him, he attracts viewers and generates revenue. We've failed to educate people on how to vet information, created a society that thrives on 10-second clips, and many are uninterested in leaving their echo chambers.