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RE: Dockworkers and Longshoremen in East Coast Ports Are Now on Strike

in LeoFinance5 months ago

Just as inflation was seeming to finally ease up a little bit we then get hit with this. It sucks. I am sure my wife and I will weather it just fine, but there are likely others who will not be able to. Including some of the workers.


It's pretty bad timing. Now with the Middle East it seems we can't catch a break. I think if it's a short strike it won't be that bad. I know some will take advantage of the situation

I saw a news story last night that people are already starting to horde toilet paper again like a bunch of morons. They made a point of saying that no TP comes in through the ports, but you know people won't listen...

I saw the face thing... Some people need to get a grip on reality.