I didn't realize you had jumped into SEED. I picked up some of it when it first came out, but I don't think I got as much as you. I have some of mine tucked away in to the Diesel pool though. I am hoping I can make some smart decisions in the next couple of months to prepare me for the bear market.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Wasn't going to risk mine in the diesel pool and know this will do 10 x easy with empo driving this. The bear market raises some big decisions for sure and I hate the idea of selling but know it is the only smart move. Sell and wait buying back in maybe 2 years time once everything is back down again. The Coti investment has me thinking as not sure about that one whether to sell or keep it staked but guess selling is the smart play.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I still can't stake my COTI yet. Stupid US restrictions. Empo was the one who suggested I put some in the diesel pools.
If he suggested it then it must be good. Coti in January.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta