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RE: Shitcoins Today: Issue #5

in LeoFinance5 years ago

Sports talk is pretty awesome. I have been spending a lot of time there. The Actfit thing is just a by product of the actifit app. They add the sportstalk tag automatically and a lot of people don't even realize they are posting to the SportsTalkSocial front end. It used to be a much more lively place before sports got shut down across much of the world. Now that things are opening back up, I hope it will pick up again. I think the developer and manager has had some personal stuff going on that has kept him busy. There was a lot of investment a while back, but it was mostly scammers from Nigeria and other areas looking to milk the platform as much as they could at the expense of quality. I was part of the referee team that helped squash a lot of that behavior. If anything I think the early value was overly inflated because of the scammers. It wasn't a true indicator of the token value. Just my two cents anyway...


Eh. It’s easy to block Actifit posts so they don’t show up on the frontend.

Several tribes did the same for DLike.

Actively muting was another thing.