I have been sitting looking at the screen for 10 minutes thinking, what to post about today
I was in the exact same position this morning. Somehow I managed to string together a decent 850 word post. Talk about miracles. Sounds like things are plugging right along. I would be ready to put some money back into the farms at some point. It is possible people will pull liquidity when PolyCUB opens up and that could net you some sweet APR's if you stick to the basics over on BSC CUB.
Just a thought.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, i think your right. PolyCUB will be the same investors as BSC CUB so im guessing the same thing and thinking alot of people will just convert funds from BSC to Poly to chase APY's. I personally think that BNB is much better than MATIC.
I hope sticking with BSC will do wonders for us. CUBlife holds roughly 1.5% of the bLEO/BNB LP so we'd benefit massively.
Also, i notice 3-4 of the kingdoms APY's have near halved