Did you check out the XCHAOS Token that a couple of the LEO faithful are running. You just hold the token and then you get the packs. They already have a ton of vouchers coming in, so they are taking that piece out of the equation for you. Just by holding the token you are guaranteed the packs from them. I picked up about 100 of the token. I am not saying it is cheaper than buying vouchers, but it might be another option for you.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, I have heard. 6 dollars a token at the moment, going to be very expensive in bulk. Plus, I already have the credits...
Good point.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Interesting, I haven't seen this one yet but I guess you pay a premium to not have to worry about getting a pack lol
Very true. It was an interesting initiative they started.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta