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RE: Out of the Nest

in LeoFinancelast year

I think a lot of it has to do with where you live too. I mean our mortgage is right around $900 a month and that is with our taxes and insurance rolled into an escrow account, so really the monthly payment for just the house is right around $700. Like you said, getting rid of debt is a big deal and I think even with things being the way they are these days, I could still live off the interest on $1M. In my area anyway.


I think a lot of it has to do with where you live too.

Where and what. One of my colleagues asked in a work group chat about houses "up to x amount", which is about twice the price of the house my wife and I bought. Most people (not in the chat) were like "really?" - I have no idea what their financial situation is, but it is either a hell of a lot better than most people, or they are going to max their loan amount.

btw, when did you guys buy?

My wife and I were just talking about that. We bought nine years ago. We would actually like to downsize at some point. 1600 SQ Feet is just too much house for the two of us.

Yes. My wife and I will do the same at some point too, but hopefully it will be a handover to our daughter of this place, and then a move into a little cottage by the lake or sea.

That sounds like a perfect plan!