I think many of us have fallen into an area of abject complacency. We are so used to being disappointed by what is promised or announced that we are just here with our heads down plugging away. If something new and exciting gets added or developed, cool, but it doesn't change what we are here trying to do each day. I am not saying that is good, I just think it is one of the realities some of us are feeling. I think this is really exciting that they have such a great team working to add options and value to the chain. I hope we can see the impact from their work expand and grow the userbase.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The out of sight out of mind is real.
There is a lot going on that doesn't directly affect us on here yet it is important. Unfortunately for coders, they are often overlooked until something goes wrong. If all is smooth, nobody pays attention.
I think that is why it important to try and give people some idea that it is a new ballgame. Fresh starts are often needed. Unfortunately, not only is there residual bad code that needs cleaning up, we all have mental residue from how things went.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Good points. Yeah, I think the last hardfork is a good example of that. It wasn't a bunch of changes that impacted the way people use the platform, but it was a lot of stuff behind the scenes that will eventually make a difference.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
My sense is the goal is to keep an eye on scaling. While it is not something we think about in the moment, we certainly do not want things to explode and suddenly have a situation like Ethereum.
The continued focus upon the basics of the blockchain are not a bad idea in my opinion.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta