Very interesting. I guess part of it comes down to how you quantify your time as well. You might not be dealing with energy and equipment costs like the BTC miners are, but you are still taking time out of your day to "earn" on Hive. At this point I don't know as though the time I spend on Hive/Leo each day is worth the rewards that I get. If it were all spare time maybe, but sometimes I occasionally creep into my time that should be spent on other tasks. Those cases would probably equate to Hive being undervalued. I think your idea of perspective in this case is really important and probably what I and other should be focusing on more.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is true although the same is true for the time people spend on Twitter and Facebook.
And is all you get out of your time spent on here just financial?
Or is there other benefits you receive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There are other benefits, but when all is said and done my wife is probably going to want something more tangible when she asks what all of my time was spent on!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Feign deafness when she asks that question.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta