Interesting stuff. It is a little depressing to hear that we are likely going to have to go through this for a while longer. Nice to know that there should be a light at the end of the tunnel. Meanwhile development continues. Banking system won't know what hit it when we come out on the other side of this.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The industry has to mature. We are still in the embryotic stage. The role of crypto is to fill the liquidity need. That is where it can have major impact.
However, with the volatility, it makes for lousy collateral, especially for short term lending. And we cannot help the USD shortage until we get some legitimate stablecoins operating and developing value on their own.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is a good point. I never really thought of the fact that right now we are still just trying to proliferate crypto out there.
There is a hole in the global financial world that cryptocurrency can fill it. It is a solution that we can bring to the table.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta