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RE: #FinancialGoals2021 Initiative | Share your plan to grow in 2021

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Sounds like an awesome set of goals. I am hoping to use any alt season that happens to try and get some more money into BTC. I failed to do that in the past and put too much faith in alt coins. I see now that may have been a huge mistake. Best of luck with your goals. I think we are all well on the way to accomplishing at least a portion of them!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


We will see. If this bull market continues into the year we could see another epic alt season this summer. Feels different to me too though and seems a lot of the DeFi projects are taking away from alts. Most of the mid to lowcap exchanges have terrible trade volume. That's a bit concerning to me. Fingers crossed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, it definitely people are investing where they think they can make the money not where they think there are quality projects. It is sad too because all some of these projects need is a little infusion of cash and they might be able to really thrive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta