From my Boss:
3I’ve been waiting for this to arrive. It came today. I’m excited and sad at the same time. I’m so happy for Bradley Anderson and this accomplishment, and so proud that he was able to make Karen somewhat immortal by having her story on paper. I’m sad in the sense that we watched him mourn every day for 6 months BEFORE she passed (Bradley began working at Speedy Glass in December and lost Karen in June) - I can only imagine how much mourning he did in those 10 years.
Bradley, I know this brought you some closure and has given you strength to move forward - after all, life is too short to stay in one place (literally and metaphorically). When someone we love dies, a part of us goes with them, but a part of us does not - we can’t live in the past, only in our memories. It’s up to us to heal our hearts, and I’m so thankful that you’re finding a way to do that.
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kemlawe (50) 2 months ago