Ha! Good Luck! I need to try and get back on Linux again. Made a brief go of it a while back, but changed back to windows again after my computer borked.
Just never quite got back around to it and truthfully had not fully embraced it yet.
Yeah. I like it, but just haven't had the inertia to get back to it. Funnily though, tonight I had windows pestering me about some software download to replace a speech recognition (that I don't even use) software. I downloaded it, it started in the background, then promptly crashed.
Wasted time just trying to kill the process and get rid of it. I normally don't download that stuff, but it was bugging me every time I opened the computer and I just wanted to shut it up. Haha! That'll learn me. Of course I knew better, but some lessons have to be learned more than once for the dim-witted :-)
I don't think you'll need much luck. My last 3 distribution upgrades all worked without a hitch.
Ha! Good Luck! I need to try and get back on Linux again. Made a brief go of it a while back, but changed back to windows again after my computer borked.
Just never quite got back around to it and truthfully had not fully embraced it yet.
Linux has come a REALLY long way in the last 3 years, I highly recommend!
Yeah. I like it, but just haven't had the inertia to get back to it. Funnily though, tonight I had windows pestering me about some software download to replace a speech recognition (that I don't even use) software. I downloaded it, it started in the background, then promptly crashed.
Wasted time just trying to kill the process and get rid of it. I normally don't download that stuff, but it was bugging me every time I opened the computer and I just wanted to shut it up. Haha! That'll learn me. Of course I knew better, but some lessons have to be learned more than once for the dim-witted :-)
Wishing you best of luck 🤞
I'll get out my Rosary from my First Communion and say some Hail Marys and Our Fathers. Hope the update goes with frustrations
FAIL. lol
Sorry! Trying again?
Ya, taking a lot of error fixing first. Learning lots.
I corrected errors. Now hopefully doing final updates before I can try the upgrade again.
Gud luk !DOOK