
I have no ideas but I like your thought process. Very impressive.

Keep up the innovation.

If I can find away to keep track of all the posters on the #selfie threadcast over a week. Maybe I can gift and Premium ;)

LOL now you are out of my element other than manually going through. Maybe #leoai will be able to pull that data when it goes live. Imagine being able to do that.

it is a good question for Khal on the AMA tomorrow. I will see if I can remember to post should too.

That would be awesome. I can do a manual one to start. On a Saturday or Sunday I could go through all the threadcasts for the week.

That is why I said we should ask it. If it can do it, then we are onto something (what I have no idea but something).

One of should remember to ask. lol

I have to think of what I had for lunch....

The I realized I forgot to eat.

I am not betting on me to remember.

Thanks my friend :) !DOOK to you.

You should have tell me, I already had a shit today, I could have taken a photo there 🤣🤣🤣🤣 jk xD

I like watching people selfie in the park, but don't do it because I want to

Easy! Ugly face contest with grimaces.

lol. Have you read todays #selfie threadcast yet? !DOOK

Half faces in the water / Ocean.